2023 Symposium Poster Submission


While we encourage everyone to come in-person, we also accept abstracts and posters for the Virtual Poster Session.  These will be accessible to all who go to our 2023 Symposium website.

Please consider joining our Poster Session Saturday, July 22, 2023 from 11:30am-1:00pm Mountain Time!

Deadlines for Poster ABSTRACT Submissions:

  • Trainee and Early Stage Investigator Award: May 14, 2023
  • Late-Breaking Abstract: June 15, 2023

Previously published material may be presented, if new aspects are introduced.

1.  How to prepare the abstract:

    • Prepare the abstract as a .pdf of a Word (.docx) document, 11 point Arial font, 1″ margin on all four sides
    • The abstract narrative should be no more than one 8-1/2” x 11” page
    • Include:
      • Abstract Title, centered on the top of the page
      • Authors’ names and affiliations
      • Name of the presenting author should be underlined
      • Tables and figures are allowed, as long as they fit on the one 8-1/2″ x 11″ page with the 11 point Arial font text and 1″ margin on all sides

2. How to submit your abstract:

Please complete the form here.

We hope you will also come in-person!  Nothing compares to the lasting value of meeting and making connections in-person.

3. How to prepare your poster – we recommend you do both:

Virtual: You can choose either the traditional format as you would have it printed, as a .pdf; or as a multi-slide Powerpoint presentation made into a .pdf.  If you choose to provide a slide deck for the virtual version, be sure the name and contact information is on every slide.

Deadline: July 17, 2023, midnight Mountain Time
Email your poster to info@rasopathiesnet.org with the subject heading: “2023 Symposium Poster

In-Person: Please limit the size of your poster within 36″ wide by 48″ tall.

Be sure the contact author’s name and email address are clearly posted on every document.

Poster stands will be available Friday, July 21, 2023 after 1pm.  Please set up before the Welcoming Session which starts after dinner at 7:30pm.  We encourage you to keep your posters up until Sunday noon.  The Lunch/Poster Session is Saturday, July 22, 2023, during lunch.




Trainee and Early Stage Investigator Award

Deadline: May 14, 2023


For in-person attendance only. The intention is to provide a unique, rich educational and networking experience with peers, veteran researchers, clinicians and affected families, as equal attendees.


Students, postbaccalaureate or postdoctoral trainees, residents, fellows, within 3 years of completion of terminal degree or clinical training (as of July 23, 2023)

Early Stage Investigators: Faculty within 3 years of completion of terminal degree or clinical training (as of July 23, 2023)

Individuals from underrepresented populations, as described by the NIH are encouraged to apply. The NIH’s list includes women, minorities, and persons with disabilities.  Their list of minorities is: Blacks or African Americans, Hispanics or Latinos, American Indians or Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, and other Pacific Islanders.


  1. a free symposium registration
  2. up to $1,500 in eligible travel expenses (per federal travel rules)*
  3. the opportunity to present your poster at the Symposium.

How to Submit:

  • Go here to complete the form and upload your documents

Jurors: RASopathiesNet’s 2023 Scientific Advisory Board


  1. Participation in the Opening Reception, Friday, July 21, 2023, 7:30-9:00pm US Mountain Time
  2. Oral presentation at a symposium plenary session, To Be Determined on Saturday, July 22 or Sunday, July 23, 2023
  3. Participation in one of the RASopathy family group Break-out Sessions, Sunday, July 23, 2023 from 1:10pm-4:00pm US Eastern Time

Notification of Grantees: Grantees will be notified June 7, 2023.

* Eligible travel expenses – with submitted receipts include: