8th International RASopathies Symposium: Expanding Research and Care Practice through Global Collaboration and Advocacy
July 21-23, 2023
Denver, Colorado, USA
and Virtual
Sponsorship Opportunities
Thank you so much for your interest in supporting our symposium!
Here are the benefits for each level of support.
Donor Level | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze |
Donation | $15,000 | $10,000 | $5,000 | $2,500 |
Complimentary Registrations | 10 | 8 | 6 | 4 |
Brand Exposure: Opening Remarks |
Mentioned as a Premier Sponsor during opening remarks on days 1-3 | — | — | — |
Brand Exposure: Commercial Break |
Three commercials each up to 30 seconds long |
Two commercials each up to 15 seconds long |
One 10-second commercial | — |
Brand Exposure: Symposium Webpages |
Logo on Symposium Home Page, Agenda and listed with sponsors | Logo on Symposium Home Page, Agenda and listed with sponsors | Logo on Symposium Home Page, Agenda and listed with sponsors | — |
Brand Exposure: Virtual and Printed Program |
Level 1 Prominence
Logo on front cover of program and listed with other sponsors. Largest logo and type |
Level 2 Prominence
Logo on sponsorship page. Medium-sized logo and type |
Level 3 Prominence
Logo on Sponsorship page. Small-sized logo and type |
Level 3 Prominence
Logo on Sponsorship page. Small-sized Logo and type |
Brand Exposure: Social Media |
At least 6 mentions on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter | At least 4 mentions on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter | At least 3 mentions on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter | At least 1 mention on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter |
Brand Exposure: Newsletter |
Listed as Premier Sponsor at top of newsletter about symposium | Listed as Sponsor in sponsor block, medium-sized logo and type | Listed as Sponsor in sponsor block, medium-sized logo and type | Listed as Sponsor in sponsor block, small-sized logo and type |
Exhibitor Table
Friday Night, July 21 through Sunday Noon, July 23, 2023 |
Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Note: Your entire donation will be tax-deductible.
Sponsorship Registration Form
Please click HERE to complete and submit the form.
Please send your check to:
RASopathies Network
Symposium Sponsorships
244 Taos Road
Altadena CA 91001-3953
Thank you!