CTF/RASopathies Hackathon 2021


June 25 – July 30, 2021
Global online



RASopathies Network is joining Children’s Tumor Foundation @ChildrensTumor and MIT’s Hack for Medicine @MITHackMed to improve the lives of patients with rare diseases by convening a Hackathon to focus on our syndromes.  Unlike typical hackathons, this is a 5-week project giving competitors access to data and mentors to develop hacks to improve the lives of patients with rare diseases.

We are seeking data and mentors to support the Hackathon contestants…

  • be part of the community to innovate and accelerate research progress for a number of rare diseases
  • connect with real patients to create specific solutions, improve their quality of life

  • access the opportunity to extend efforts post-hackathon via the Rare Incubator
  • monetary prizes for each challenge track

July 2, 2021: We announced a $8,500 Incubator Prize Pool! 

THANK YOU to CFC International, Noonan Syndrome Foundation (NSF), International Costello Syndrome Support Group (ICSSG) and Costello Syndrome Family Network (CSFN)!

~ Questions? ~ Curious? ~ Interested? ~

Contact Beth Stronach at bestronach@gmail.com